Welding training center integrated to the Soucy site

Since 22/02/21, our Soucy site (Yonne – 89) has been hosting the welding training center of the UIMM’s Pôle Formation 58-89.
A dozen trainees, mainly job seekers, are trained there (theoretical and practical courses) either in MAG welding or in TIG welding.
The objective of the training is to give the trainees a CQPM (Certificat de Qualification Paritaire de la Métallurgie) allowing them to enhance their skills for their job search or their professional development.
With this turnkey service (installation of a workshop with 12 welding stations and suction tables, fitting out of a large classroom – respect of barrier gestures obliges, provision of changing rooms, toilets and catering) KEP Technologies is proud to be able to contribute to the transmission of this know-how which is so important in many manufacturing processes.
We welcome the trainees and their teachers.